Thursday, December 29, 2016

Photo Class - favorite Photo

This week's assignment was to post a favorite photo we had taken - from any - ALL YEAR!    Do you know how hard that is?   I finally just picked.   The first one is the one I submitted....taken of an old bridge near us one summer evening near sunset.  Some adjustments in Lightroom really perked up the color.   The second photo is the same bridge - different angle!..

Some other fun ones and favorites - too many to choose from!

Kitchen Challenge

Panorama Planet

Panorama Reverse Planet

Radial Symmetry

Radial Symmetry

Shutter Zoom in Bermuda

No specific challenge - U just like it!

Mirror Montage

Monday, December 26, 2016

I'm Back........

Wow, in looking at my blog, I have been rather negligent this year.    I will try to do better next year.    Most everything is the same.....I am still quilting, gardening (in the summer), playing with photography and being active with my music.

I have almost completed the Ricky Tims 1st year photography course.    I have learned a lot about my camera and about photoshop and composition and many other techniques.  In November we went to Williamsburg and 600 some photos later, I'm still sorting out and playing with some of them.  Here is one I just did this morning.  The original is a photo of a window in the Capitol building.   If you look closely you can see it either as a recessed window - or a window on top of a gold circle that protrudes from the wall.   An optical illusion......    The second photo is playing with some highlights, shadows and mirror montage!

I have also been quilting up a storm, but can't show all of them here as they are either for challenges yet to happen, or going to some shows and so am not showing yet, until accepted.

The first one here was for a RAFA (Rochester Area Fiber Artists).  Last year we exchanged bags of goodies at Christmas and we had a year to complete something using all or most of the things in the bag.   My bag contained several purple fabrics and a couple tubes of purple beads.   Between the quilt top and the backing,  I used everything.  This is also a statement on the denial of climate change by too many people!

I have also started a series on "Doors and Windows".    Here are the first works completed earlier this year.....much more on tap.

Too many business have closed.   This building has been taken over by artists!

 Photographed at a church nearby in my photography assignment for "Abandoned".   I printed the photo (center part) onto fabric and added other fabric to continue the idea of the wooden door.

Another abandoned building - cheesecloth curtain in the window and lower corner, and greenery growing out of a pile of rocks.