Sunday, July 17, 2011

RAFA Display at Cazenovia Show

Our RAFA group has a small display at the International show "The Art Quilt Experience" in Cazenovia this month.   The juried quilts are spectacular (and I will show some more of them at a later time), but our little RAFA group also has a spectacular display.   I didn't get pictures of all - but here are some.........   (Sorry I can't seem to get the hang of putting 2 pics in a row.   Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.   Blogger is so frustrating that way.)

 Pat Berardi's piece.   I just love Pat's work, lots of gentle curves.
Janet Root - "Trill"

Janet Root - "Soft Black"

Diane Miller - a real coppery effect
that I just love.
 Diane Miller
 Val Schultz - another person whose
work I really admire. 
 Val uses a lot of cheesecloth from time to time - a really nice effect.
 Julia Deal - so simply stunning
Julie Brandon - "Saxology"
This is mine - called  "Summers Reward for a Winter Endured II".   It is to portray the wildflowers - lots of beads and crystals on this one.
 Liz Scott - "The Eleventh Song"
Patty Pizzicato did both of these - love it!
I wish I had gotten the name of the person who did this one - so wonderful.
Anne Fischer - lots of thread work - the piece speaks for itself in its beauty.
Detail of Ann's piece.
Donna Patrick - does a lot of dying & felting of scarves and shawls

The knotted piece is by Brenda DiAngelo.
This was not a quilt in our display............yet!   This was a window shade in an adjoining room - my husband thinks this should be my next quilt.   He is often my inspiration for new pieces.

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